Trout in the Trym 11 May meeting Notes
Attendees Alistair, Bryony and Zac, Peter, Lydia, Alice, Roger, Liz, Mike, Alex, TimApologies Clarie
Environment Agency owns the attenuation tanks.
Pete proposed sub-group to look at water quality with draft action plan. Alistair volunteered to help, Tim volunteered to find the CSOs of Hazel Brook between Blaise and Cribbs. Liz will help with website stuff
Balsam bashing: Area has been surveyed and mapped – and Alistair and Bryony have walked large parts with Roger. There is some limited scrub, but the only real no-go area before July is likely to be around the Confluence. Makes sense to start in June. Individual groups to advise of events. Bryony and Alice both think they can probably muster 20 volunteers each – Lydia some more. SusWot 50-100. Liz and Roger to finalise the web page of map etc and pass over to Neil Green from Invasive Weeds Forum. Neil may be able to help with training. Roger happy to attend numerous events in advisory capacity. Bryony and Alice would welcome an initial session so that they are confident in what they are doing.
Discussed possibility of grant – agreed that we had limited requirements at the moment – and therefore not worth pursuing money for the sake of it. However we are likely to have greater needs moving forwards. We also need to consider the status of Trout in the Trym in terms of being able to attract funding. Noted that SusWoT, FOBW and probably FOB would be able to apply in their own right. Alex to make contact with Wessex – largely in awareness-raising campaign.
Peter gave us a great insight into the work that is starting and needing to be done to measure and then improve the water quality of the Trym. Something that is absolutely fundamental to our success.