Over the years, a number of reports about the Trym catchment area have been commissioned. They are a useful way of understanding the diversity of our local waterways and the challenges facing wildlife.
Riverfly monitoring shows positive trends
Riverfly monitoring in our rivers and streams shows positive trends over the last few years.
Microplastics in the Trym
Through an undergraduate project with Trout in the Trym, Bristol University Geography students have investigated microplastics in the Trym.
Trym Fish Survey 2014
Peter Coleman-Smith looks into Government data on fish in the Trym catchment and found that there was an electro-fishing survey undertaken in June 2014.
Wild Trout Trust Advisory Report
The Wild Trout Trust Advisory Report is a thorough review of River Trym and Hazel Brook as of January 2019.
Bristol University Report
A group of second year students has produced a report about pollution from road runoff in the River Trym.